Spamsieve accidentally markes as spam
Spamsieve accidentally markes as spam

spamsieve accidentally markes as spam

You should also see log entries from SpamSieveLaunchAgent each time it receives a training command from the plug-in.ġ1/12/13 12:53:06.427 PM Mail: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Asking SpamSieve to score message: The radical Paul Ryanġ1/12/13 12:53:06.428 PM Mail: SpamSieve Mail Plug-In: Sending request of length 23909 to ġ1/12/13 12:53:06. The following workflow forces message marked as Spam to always end up in Recovered Messages on Apple Mail: Email arrives and is marked by SpamSieve as spam, and moved to Spam folder (on local disk). In the All Messages log in Console, you should see log entries from Mail (SpamSieve Mail Plug-In) at launch and every time an incoming message is processed or you train a message. If the logging is active, you should see a dialog box in Apple Mail if Mail or AppleScript reports an error while training a message. The solution differentiates itself by working within a user’s email application, rather than as a separate app or cloud-based service layer.


that messages from trusted contacts arent accidentally marked as spam. Posted: TL DR: C-Command’s SpamSieve has helped Mac users eliminate spam from their email inboxes for more than 17 years. The colors show how each message is spam, so you can quickly focus on the limits if you want to check the work of SpamSieve. Subject: Do You Need A Loan? If Yes Contact Us At: ZVVA62v4IhAzZ5N6RABPzw= SpamSieve looks into images and attachments to detect spam content, even when the message itself is virtually empty. 4.6.1 Change Settings (Apple Mail) You can choose SpamSieve - Change Settings from Mail’s Message menu to customize SpamSieve’s behavior in Mail. Message -> SpamSieve -> train as Spam leaves the message in the inbox, and does not change the log. I see the message in the log, marked as “Good”.

spamsieve accidentally markes as spam

“Training” the message as spam is not working.

Spamsieve accidentally markes as spam